TRY&BUY Terms and Conditions

Try&Buy BeautyTheShop

Discover and try our signature perfumes comfortably at home before purchasing the original product.


Do you want to learn more about our TRY&BUY?


BeautyTheShop's Try&Buy offers you the possibility of trying the signature perfumes you want to purchase for free. Doing so, you will confirm which one you love most or suits you best.


How does it work?

You can purchase products' samples if the option is available at our website, the amount of this sample will be refunded by means of a discount voucher linked to your BeautyTheShop client account.

The amount of this voucher is only valid for purchases of the brand chosen.

For example, if you purchase a 5€ sample, you will receive a 5€ off voucher code linked to your client account. You will be able to redeem this voucher code on your next purchase including a product of the same brand of the sample.


What about shipping costs?

If you add a sample to an order already including another product, the shipping costs will be the shipping costs of your whole order.

If you just want to purchase a sample of the product you would like to try, the shipping costs of this order will be those established for your destination. The amount of the shipping costs will not be refunded by means of a discount voucher. This discount voucher will only include the amount of the sample purchased.


What is the expiry date of the discount voucher?

You will receive the discount voucher once your order is shipped. The expiry date will be one year since the shipment.


How can I redeem a BeautyTheShop voucher?

You will receive one unique discount voucher for each sample purchased and you will be able to redeem one of these discount vouchers in your cart when placing an order including a product of the same brand as the sample chosen.

This discount voucher cannot be redeemed for discounts on orders including exclusively Try&Buy products.