FedEx Priority : So good
Wijdan | 13/05/2024
FedEx Priority : Fast shipping with no issues
Edgar | 07/05/2024
FedEx Priority : Fast
William | 02/05/2024
FedEx Priority : order was recieved without damage and fast so really no complaints to be said
Fabian | 02/05/2024
FedEx Priority : Very Fast
Cam | 30/04/2024
FedEx Priority : Very fast delivery
Port | 25/04/2024
FedEx Priority : Arrived so fast even internationally.
Kristine | 25/04/2024
FedEx Priority : Item arrived broken
Jessee | 25/04/2024
FedEx Priority : Fast and on time love it!!
Nyjah | 25/04/2024
FedEx Priority : Updated the location of my package constantly
Aaron Castro | 25/04/2024
FedEx Priority : Great job
Juan | 24/04/2024
FedEx Priority : EXCELLENT !!
Kristina | 24/04/2024